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Melanie Amaya

LYFE Academic Achievement Award Winner

The LYFE Academic Achievement Award recognizes a student parent with outstanding
academic performance who has demonstrated excellence and high achievement in
completing their high school education. This student plans to pursue higher education
or vocational training as their next step after graduation.

Blanca Enriquez

LYFE Inspiration Award Winner

The LYFE Inspiration Award recognizes a graduating LYFE student parent who has
overcome significant life challenges and persisted in completing academic requirements
while meeting parenting and personal responsibilities. Your team will have an
opportunity to nominate the most resilient and inspiring graduating LYFE student parent
at your site for the school year.


Anayyah Baker

LYFE Outstanding Student Award Winner

The outstanding student leader award recognizes a Post-Graduate student parent who
has made a significant impact through their commitment and dedication as a
postgraduate student in the LYFE program. The recipient of this award will be
recognized for their hard work, leadership, and dedication to both their post-graduate
studies and the LYFE classroom community.

Aissata Dukuly

LYFE Perseverance Award Winner

The perseverance award recognizes an Adult Education student parent who has
demonstrated exceptional persistence and determination in their academic and
professional pursuits. The student parent has demonstrated consistent effort, dedication,
and outstanding resilience in the face of adversity and embodies courage, determination,
and leadership.


Ms. India Brown, Mother of Tara Reilly

LYFE Legacy Award Winner

The LYFE Legacy Award recognizes the supportive role families (parents, grandparents,
guardians, etc.) play in the lives of LYFE's student parents, infants/toddlers, and the
LYFE program. Student parents and a child may be nominated, in addition, to foster
care families or student parents whose grandparents are their primary support.

Elsa Knibbs

LYFE Staff Award Winner

The LYFE Staff Award recognizes the support of LYFE staff member(s) in supporting
students and families success. Please encourage graduating student parents’ participation
in nominating a LYFE staff member who has provided unrelenting guidance and support
during their enrollment at LYFE
